
Showing posts from January, 2021

Difference Between Java and Java EE ?

JAVA vs JAVA EE Java or Java SE provides basic functionality like defining basic types and objects where as Java EE provides APIs for running large scale applications. SE is a normal Java specifications where as EE is built upon Java SE. Provides functionality like web applications, serverlets etc. Java SE consists of class libraries, virtual machines, deployment environment programming. where as Java EE is a structured application with separate client, Business enterprises layers. Java SE is mostly used to develop APIs for desktop applications like antivirus software, game etc. where as Java EE is mainly used for web applications. Java SE is suitable for beginning Java developers. where as Java EE is suitable for experienced Java developers who builds enterprise wide applications. -  Jai Gora

How Much Java Do You Need To Get A Job ?

 Java Concepts : As an entry level developer : Basic OOP principles — abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and others. Knowing how to manage interfaces, classes, and objects, understand the difference between these elements. A deeper knowledge of Object methods and their top applications Hierarchy of collections and exceptions. Basics multithreading, understanding the concepts of threads and processes. SOLID principles and the way they apply to Java. Superficial command of lambdas, streams, and functional interfaces. As an experienced developer : Basic understanding of pile and stack — speed, memory consumption, structure, the garbage collector (decent command). Collections, processing null-statements using HashMap and TreeMap. Handling generics, using abstract class constructors, “IS-A” inheritance. Methods, wrapped classes, hash-code, equals, boxing-unboxing. Basic multithreading concepts, understanding how to create a safe thread. Exception handling. - JAI GORA **A

10 Programming Languages You Can Learn in 2021

1. JavaScript 2. Python 3. Java 4. C/C++ 5. C# 6. Kotlin 7. Golang 8. Swift 9. SQL 10. PHP **All this as much as I've read blogs or articles**