Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems (Week 2)

1.        Identify two embedded systems that are sold on the market today and analyze their interfaces.

  •       A digital camera is very good example of Embedded system.
  •       Cameras that we use today are smart and have a lot of features that were not present in early        cameras all because of embedded system used in them.
  •       A digital camera has basically three functions, to capture image which we call data, to store            image data, and to represent this data.
  •       Today images are stored and processed in form of digital data in bits.
  •       Home security systems has another good example of Embedded systems.
  •       These systems have several features just as checking for fire or gas leakages, and detecting if        someone suspicious tries to enter the house.
  •       If family members are not present in home then still they can monitor the activities going on in        their house.
2.        Describe all inputs to each system and outputs from each system.


                  INPUTS: Light senors (Photoresistor) , Buttons
                 OUTPUTS: LCD display, Light Emitting Diode( LED's) or other illuminating devices


                 INPUTS: Keypads, Gas sensors, Smoke sensors, IR sensors, Temperature sensors, Glass                                      break sensors, motion detectors
                OUTPUTS: LCD display, Siren and strobe lights.

3.       Classify the inputs and outputs based on their mode of interaction:
            -Visual - describing data carried by visible light
            -Audio - describing data carried by sound
            -Tactile - describing data carried by touch
            -Electronic - describing data encoded in electrical signals

  •       A Digital camera takes a photo by using sensors to capture the lights that comes in through            the lens.
  •      It then converts the light into binary numbers that are recorded on backing storage.
  •       This digital version of the photograph can then be displayed on the small screen that is set into        the camera.
  •        Your alarm system can be activated or deactivated using keypads. It also allows you to                   perform diagnostic tests or customize the alarm settings.
  •        Keypads is included in such systems for entering passwords And output is received from                  sirens/ alarms or some LCD display.
  •        These systems have several features just as checking for fire and gas leakages, and                       detecting  if someone suspicious tries to enter the house.


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